
Patricia Gillard - Associate

Retired as the Chair of Communication at the University of Newcastle, Patricia Gillard is one of our renowned associates. She was also a professor of e-Business and that’s why she is an integral part of our organisation. She amalgamated her expertise in audience and user research with teaching in knowledge Management Communities of Practice. The best part is that she was also the Head of Communication Studies at RMIT University, Melbourne, Victoria. We take immense pride because we work with the most talented woman in Australia. She is associated with our company and help establish a robust communication department within the organisation.

Innovative audience and user research, especially via the web, is a passion of Patricia's. She has completed assignments for the National Library of Australia during their development of online services, including two evaluations of the award-winning Other projects include development of a client-based Access Queensland website (with Ice Media, Brisbane), evaluation of the Australian Bureau of Statistics' Ausstats service, an extensive ICT strategy for the Australian Library and Information Association and identification of user requirements of people with disabilities for the Centre of National Research on Disability and Rehabilitation Medicine (CONROD).

Patricia contributed to the Australian National Audit Office's Better Practice Guides, writing the booklet, 'Monitoring and Evaluating Internet-Delivered Government Programs and Services' and with management consultants Courage Partners, designed and led an ANAO audit, 'Quality Internet Services for Government Clients - Monitoring and Evaluation by Government Agencies', which was tabled in the Australian Parliament February, 2004.